DuPage Foundation recently granted $899,076 to 51 not-for-profit organizations providing essential health and human services to residents across DuPage County as a part of its Community Needs Grant Program (Community Needs).
A Grant Open House took place on Wednesday, June 7, at the DuPage Foundation offices in Downers Grove. Health and human services grant recipients from the spring grant cycle received their checks, had photos taken, enjoyed snacks and beverages from Busy Butternut Catering, and mingled with other not-for-profit organizations, and DuPage Foundation board and staff members.
The following organizations received a Community Needs grant:
- 360 Youth Services: $25,000
- Assistance League of Chicagoland West: $12,000
- Bridge Communities, Inc.: $25,000
- Catholic Charities, Diocese of Joliet: $20,000
- Center for Advancing Domestic Peace: $2,500
- Chicago Dental Society Foundation: $21,000
- DayOne PACT: $23,500
- Donka, Inc.: $15,000
- DuPage Habitat for Humanity: $5,000
- DuPage Health Coalition: $25,000
- DuPagePads: $25,000
- Easterseals DuPage & Fox Valley: $20,000
- Elmhurst Walk-In Assistance Network: $1,500
- Evangelical Child & Family Agency: $10,000
- Family Focus: $20,000
- Friends for Therapeutic Equine Activities: $23,000
- Glen Ellyn Food Pantry: $7,076
- Glen Ellyn Youth & Family Counseling Service: $25,000
- Hamdard Health Alliance: $25,000
- Healthcare Alternative Systems, Inc.: $25,000
- Little Friends, Inc.: $10,000
- Loaves & Fishes Community Services: $25,000
- LOVE Christian Clearinghouse: $12,000
- Mayslake Village: $2,500
- Metropolitan Asian Family Services: $15,000
- Metropolitan Family Services DuPage: $10,000
- My Child's Life Matters: $2,500
- NAMI DuPage: $25,000
- Naperville Elderly Homes: $15,000
- Neighborhood Food Pantries: $25,000
- Northeast DuPage Family and Youth Services: $25,000
- Northern Illinois Food Bank: $25,000
- People's Resource Center: $20,000
- Ray Graham Association: $23,000
- Repeat Boutique Center: $25,000
- Ride Assist Naperville: $5,000
- Serenity House Counseling Services, Inc.: $25,000
- Sharing Connections: $25,000
- Special Kids Day: $6,000
- Spectrios Institute for Low Vision: $12,000
- Teen Parent Connection: $20,000
- The Community House: $25,000
- The GardenWorks Project: $18,000
- The Outreach House: $25,000
- Warm Coats for Cool Kids: $18,000
- WeGo Together for Kids: $11,000
- West Suburban Community Pantry: $13,500
- World Relief Chicagoland: $25,000
- Xilin Association: $10,000
- Youth Outlook: $20,000
- YWCA Metropolitan Chicago: $25,000
See project descriptions for each of the grantees here.
Applications for DuPage Foundation’s Community Needs Grant Program are accepted twice per year and are reviewed by the Foundation’s volunteer Grant Committee.
“The sheer volume of grant applications that came through during this last round is a testament to the need for support and the opportunities to help in our county,” said Roger McDougal, a DuPage Foundation trustee and Grant Committee chair. “We were thrilled to have a role in furthering the important work of so many of DuPage County’s outstanding not-for-profits.”
Additional contributions from local area donors and grant recommendations from advisors of DuPage Foundation donor-advised funds helped increase the Foundation’s spring 2023 Community Needs grant budget by 79 percent.
“With so many grant applications coming in, detailing the significant need within our county, our Grant Committee had a difficult task in determining how best to distribute grant funds,” said Barb Szczepaniak, DuPage Foundation vice president for programs. “We are fortunate to have donors and donor-advisors. Thanks to their help, we were able to fund approximately 70 percent of eligible requests vs. 40 percent. This is the power of coordinated impact at work.”
The fall cycle of Community Needs supports programs that improve and enrich the quality of life for DuPage County residents in the areas of education, arts & culture, environment, and animal welfare. For grant guidelines and more information, please visit dupagefoundation.org/CNGP.
About DuPage Foundation
DuPage Foundation, a 501(c)(3) community foundation, is the philanthropic leader in DuPage County, Illinois. DuPage Foundation manages more than $130 million in assets and has awarded more than $75 million in grants since its founding in 1986. Individuals and organizations seeking to provide impactful support to address critical issues in DuPage County and beyond can create powerful customizable gift solutions and partnerships through DuPage Foundation. Learn more at dupagefoundation.org. Doing a world of good in our own backyard.®