Total 2024 Health & Human Services Grants: $938,077
(Funded by the Betty M. Bock Fund)
To provide safe and developmentally-appropriate emergency shelter and support services that will meet the basic needs of youth ages 18-24 who are experiencing homelessness in DuPage County. -
(Funded by the Paula K. Partipilo Fund)
To support and expand services to help DuPage veterans and people with disabilities secure employment. -
(Partially funded by the Pane e Pesci Fund and an anonymous donor-advised fund)
To provide kitchen equipment and essential household supplies to families leaving homelessness for independent living through the New Start program. -
(Funded by the Harbaugh Family Fund)
To support the Children’s Program which focuses on breaking the cycle of poverty for youth (ages 0-21) in DuPage County who are experiencing homelessness, -
(Funded by the Betty M. Bock Fund , Darnall Family DuPage Fund, Mark And Kim Putbrese Charitable Fund, and an anonymous donor-advised fund)
To connect DuPage children who are victims of abuse with a stable adult to advocate for their best interests in the court and in the community. -
(Partially funded by an anonymous donor-advised fund and Joan Morrissey)
To provide free dental care and dentures/partials to low-income individuals and families in DuPage County. -
(Partially funded by an anonymous donor-advised fund)
To support friendly phone calls to older adults that will reduce loneliness/social isolation, provide a well-being check, help connect to other needed services, and promote physical and mental health. -
(Partially funded by the Pane e Pesci Fund, Robert and Laurie McMahon Family Fund, and Darnall Family DuPage Fund)
To provide families and individuals experiencing homelessness with centralized access to 24-hour emergency shelter, food, and connections to case management and intensive support to improve stability. -
(Partially funded by an anonymous donor-advised fund)
To provide comprehensive rehabilitation services for children with developmental disabilities and their families, by wrapping around mental health and social work services to support the whole family. -
(Partially funded by the Sullivan Taylor Family Fund)
To support operating expenses for the second food pantry location. -
(Partially funded by the Pane e Pesci Fund and an anonymous donor-advised fund)
To provide rent and utility assistance to local individuals facing a temporary setback, helping them maintain a safe and secure living situation. -
(Funded by the Harbaugh Family Fund)
To support the Pregnancy Support Services (PSS) program that provides free counseling for women experiencing an unexpected pregnancy, or who are pregnant and in need of extra support. -
(Funded by the Paula K. Partipilo Fund)
To provide home visiting services to help parents support their children's cognitive, emotional, and social development during their first years of life. -
(Funded by the Martha J. Johnson Fund)
To purchase two chest freezers and one cooler to store additional meat and dairy that is needed to support the growing number of neighbors visiting. -
To support expanded access to telehealth mental health services.
(Partially funded by the Robert and Laurie McMahon Family Fund)
To support general operating expenses for the food pantry needed due to the increase in families served, the move to a new facility, implementing a CRM, and a merger with the RX Mobile Pantry. -
To support the expansion of anger management services at the Wheaton center.
(Funded by the Sullivan Taylor Family Fund and an anonymous donor-advised fund)
To provide transportation vouchers that help low-income clients find a job, maintain employment, or improve their health through vital visits to their healthcare provider. -
(Funded by the Sullivan Taylor Family Fund and Molex)
To support the Connecting Adults with Communities program which bridges the gap between post-secondary neuro-diverse adults and competitive employment. -
(Partially funded by the Pane e Pesci Fund)
To support the LOVE HELP homeless prevention financial assistance program that assists low-income DuPage County families in maintaining their housing during a temporary financial crisis. -
(Funded by the Harbaugh Family Fund )
To support the Social Emotional Learning curriculum and supplies for the Ann Haskins Center, a therapeutic day school located in Bloomingdale. -
(Partially funded by the Sullivan Taylor Family Fund)
To provide low-income residents with financial assistance for medical expenses not covered by Medicare. -
To educate immigrant seniors about public benefits and to provide them with assistance to access them.
(Partially funded by the Pane e Pesci Fund and an anonymous donor-advised fund)
To support the Family Shelter Service program which provides housing and supportive services to victims of domestic violence in DuPage County. -
(Partially funded by the Martha J. Johnson Fund, Pane e Pesci Fund, and Darnall Family DuPage Fund)
To provide 1:1 peer counseling; support groups, and community education for individuals and families affected by mental illness. -
(Partially funded by the Pane e Pesci Fund)
To provide up to 200 low-income seniors with professional social services coordination and case management support from a social services coordinator, allowing them to live independently. -
(Funded by the Snodgrass Family Fund )
To purchase a late model, low-mileage, high-top cargo van for food recovery for the West Chicago pantry. -
(Partially funded by the Pane e Pesci Fund, Sullivan Taylor Family Fund, and an anonymous donor-advised fund)
To support mental health screening, assessment, crisis intervention, and treatment services to low-income children, adolescents, adults, and families in DuPage County. -
(Partially funded by an anonymous donor-advised fund)
To support the Take 50 Foods to Encourage grant for member agencies in DuPage County that allows them to provide healthy food options for our neighbors experiencing food insecurity. -
To provide food, education, and service opportunities for DuPage County residents.
To increase access to affordable psychological testing for the accurate diagnosis and treatment of mental health conditions in individuals referred for problems related to school, home, or community.
(Partially funded by the Kaelan Mondragon Memorial Fund)
To provide peer-based recovery support to DuPage County individuals struggling with a substance use disorder. -
(Funded by the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Unity Fund)
To support a project/grant manager, youth intern, and back-to-school backpacks as part of a comprehensive effort to engage and connect people of multiple cultures to available health and human services resources in DuPage. -
(Funded by the Harbaugh Family Fund)
To provide for out-of-pocket medical expenses for clients in the residential program, which preserves their small monthly income. -
(Partially funded by an anonymous donor-advised fund)
To support the Building Resilience After Child Victimization program that addresses the immediate healing needs of child victims and their families. -
(Funded by the Martha J. Johnson Fund)
To support operating expenses to provide low-income residents with free clothing and household goods. -
To onboard and retain volunteer drivers to provide seniors in need with rides to medical appointments.
To support the Mental Health Access Program which provides affordable access to psychotherapy/counseling and psychiatric services for under-resourced clients.
(Partially funded by the Betty M. Bock Fund and Darnall Family DuPage Fund)
To support the Good Night Sleep Program by providing new twin beds and cribs for low-income children and babies in DuPage County who do not have their own to sleep in each night. -
(Partially funded by the Pane e Pesci Fund)
To provide rent assistance and emergency housing for low-income residents who live in Winfield, Wheaton, West Chicago, and Warrenville. -
To support a December holiday celebration for families in DuPage and neighboring counties who have children with special needs.
(Funded by the Betty M. Bock Fund)
To support the Adolescent Family Strengthening Programs, which provide a continuum of support, education, and resources to teenage parents and their children. -
(Funded by the Harbaugh Family Fund)
To support the Community Garden to Food Pantry Program that will provide fresh produce to local food pantries. -
(Partially funded by the Pane e Pesci Fund)
To provide emergency financial assistance for guests in need, to install blinds on the food pantry windows, and purchase shelving for food and diaper storage. -
(Partially funded by an anonymous donor-advised fund)
To support the Telemedicine Expansion Project that will dramatically improve the health outcomes of the residents with IDD living in our highest need CILA group homes in DuPage County. -
(Partially funded by an anonymous donor-advised fund)
To support the delivery of culturally competent, primary, and medical preventive care for uninsured DuPage residents. -
(Partially funded by the an anonymous donor-advised fund)
To support the purchase and distribution of new winter coats, hats, and gloves to children in need. -
(Partially funded by the Pane e Pesci Fund)
To meet the challenge of rising child poverty by providing families with case management and summer support programs. -
To support inclusion services that aid member park districts in providing adequate support to people with disabilities participating in programs.
(Partially funded by the Pane e Pesci Fund)
To provide mental health and wellness services to improve health equity, access to care, and holistic well-being for immigrants in DuPage County. -
(Partially funded by an anonymous donor-advised fund)
To improve the behavioral health of seniors by providing social services and entertainment at affordable senior housing locations in DuPage County. -
(Funded by the Paula K. Partipilo Fund)
To support the Strong Families Parent Mentor program and Parent Education workshops that build on family strength, foster family resilience, and minimize the risk of child abuse and neglect.