Arts DuPage, a DuPage Foundation initiative, named Robin Liefeld as the winner of the Arts DuPage Month Create-a-Post Competition.
Liefeld, an artist, author, storyteller, and teacher, was among the first to enter the challenge. The judges, evaluating pieces on creativity, originality, and execution, felt her entry, "Art Heals," hit all the high marks. "In addition to meeting the judges' criteria, the work is visually pleasing and captures the spirit of Arts DuPage Month," said Deborah Venezia, director of Arts DuPage. "Our goal in hosting the competition was to call upon DuPage County creatives to design a social media post that will motivate residents and visitors to discover the world of art in the area and participate in the cultural activities that surround us."
Artists from across the county vied for the top prize of an Arts DuPage membership and a $500 grant to the not-for-profit local arts organization of the winner's choice. Liefeld chose the Elmhurst Artists' Guild as the award recipient, where she is an active member.
"I'm thrilled to be chosen! The arts are important because they express our stories and experiences and share them with the world." Robin exclaimed. "For me, art helps to express life's pain, bewilderment, wonder, and whimsy and create something beautiful that wasn't there before."
Arts DuPage also named Jennifer Hauser, Patricia Melekus, and Robert Behounek as finalists and will post their submissions on the Arts DuPage Facebook page later this month.
About Arts DuPage
Arts DuPage is a countywide arts council that supports, promotes, and advocates for the arts in DuPage County. Best known for artsdupage.org, its comprehensive event website for arts and entertainment, Arts DuPage showcases the vibrant local arts community, which generates cultural, economic, and social benefits for DuPage County and its residents.
Support Arts DuPage
To support Arts DuPage as a member, arts lover, sponsor or supporter of its ChARTer membership program, please visit dupagefoundation.org/ArtsMembership. Donations to the Arts DuPage initiative can be made through DuPage Foundation’s website at dupagefoundation.org/Donate.