Early Childhood Collaboratives

DuPage Foundation's Bright & Early DuPage initiative has provided grant funds for local community organizations to leverage local resources in creating formal community early childhood collaboratives. These collaboratives will more effectively support efforts to deliver early childhood care and education within their communities. Contact them for more information on local resources and services available.
Expanding early childhood collaboration into additional communities is a Bright & Early DuPage priority. Communities interested in exploring the implementation of an early childhood collaboration should contact Barb Szczepaniak at 630-598-5280 or barb@dupagefoundation.org.
Addison Partners for Play, Learning, & Education (APPLE)
Maureen Reedy, Project Director, APPLE
Metropolitan Family Services DuPage
Phone: 630.392.9353 | Email: reedym@metrofamily.org
Bensenville Early Learning Supporters
Christy Poli, LCSW, Birth to Three Coordinator, Bensenville School District 2
Phone: 630-766-2602 x4237 | Email: cpoli@bsd2.org
Birth to 5 Community Coalition
Michelle Scharinger, Birth to 3 Coordinator/School Psychologist for the Carol Stream Early Childhood Center
Phone: 630-307-3839 | Email: scharim@ccsd93.com
DuPage Early Childhood Collaboration (DECC)
The DECC is a central resource for existing and emerging early childhood collaborations.
Email: info@dupagedecc.org
Glenbard Early Childhood Collaborative
Jeanine Woltman, Collaborative Coordinator
Phone: 630-942-5600 | Email: jwoltman@casedupage.com
Villa Park Area Early Childhood Collaborative
Sarah O'Donnell, Tri-Town YMCA CEO
Phone: 630-629-9622 | Email: sodonnell@tritownymca.org
Wheaton/Warrenville Early Childhood Collaborative
Annie Behrens, Project Director, Wheaton/Warrenville Early Childhood Collaborative
Phone: 630-784-4860 | Email: behrnsa@metrofamily.org
We Go Together for Kids
Molly Beck Dean, Director
Email: beckdeanm@metrofamily.org
Willowbrook Corner Coalition
Marianne Pokorny, Director of Civic Engagement
YWCA Metropolitan Chicago
Phone: 630-580-5705 | Email: marianne.pokorny@ywcachicago.org