- 360 Youth Services
- Acappellago
- Action for Healthy Kids
- Actors Center of DuPage
- Addison Center for the Arts
- Addison Community Switchboard
- Addison Student Participation Center Inc.
- A.D.O.P.T. Pet Shelter
- Adult Christian Care
- Advent House of Wheaton, Inc.
- Advocates of the Winfield Riverwalk
- AgeGuide
- Alive Center
- AIM Center for Independent Living
- American Wind Band
- Anima - Glen Ellyn Children's Chorus
- Army Trail Elementary School
- ArranmoreArts
- Assistance League of Chicagoland West
- Autism Society of Illinois
- The Awakenings Project
- b.unity
- Bartlett Learning Center
- Bartlett Park District
- Benedictine University
- Bensenville Park District
- Bensenville-Wood Dale Food Pantry
- Best Buddies
- Blue Stem Housing Partners
- B.R. Ryall YMCA
- Bridge Communities, Inc.
- Brightside Theatre
- Buffalo Theatre Ensemble